
ISO 9001 Certification
ISO 9001 Certification
ECDIS Type Specific Approval Certificate
ECDIS Type Specific Approval Certificate
MARLINS Aproved Test Centre
MARLINS Aproved Test Centre
Certificat de Inregistrare a Marcii
Certificat de Inregistrare a Marcii
OPITO BOSIET Approval Certificate
OPITO BOSIET Approval Certificate
OPITO FOET Approval Certificate
OPITO FOET Approval Certificate
OPITO HUET Approval Certificat
OPITO HUET Approval Certificat

Acreditari acordate de Autoritatea Navala Romana

Acreditari acordate de Autoritatea Navala Romana pentru CERONAV Galati

Acreditari acordate de alte Autoritati Navale

Ships Security Officer SSO Marshall Islands
Ships Security Officer SSO Marshall Islands
 Ships Security Officer SSO MCA
Ships Security Officer SSO MCA
Ships Security Officer Panama
Ships Security Officer Panama
Certificate Marshall Islands

If you can’t see the informations, we recomand to download a specific software, from here..