Cursuri DP

– guide to the DP courses candidates –



  1.  Dynamic Positioning courses at CERONAV and costs involved
  2.  Overview of the nautical institute dynamic positioning operator training scheme (NI Approved January, 2023) – The minimum maritime qualifications to begin DPO training
  3.  DP Courses curricula and objectives
  4.  Compulsory documents required from DP trainees
  5. Geographical location – How to reach CERONAV
  6. Accommodation near CERONAV
  7. Payment of the course fee. Policy of fee return in case of cancellation/postponement of a DP Course

1. Dynamic Positioning courses at CERONAV and costs involved

1.1 Administrative details

  • Name of organisation: Centrul Roman pentru Pregătirea și Perfecționarea Personalului din Transporturi Navale – CERONAV
  • Main activity type: Training and development of seafarers serving on board sea, river and offshore vessels
  • Contact Person: Lucian Sergiu Dragomir
  • Adress: 101 Baba Novac Street, Postal Code 900366, Constanta, Romania
  • Telephone: +40 241 639 595, +40 241 691368
  • 24/7 Emergency Number: +40 725 897 352
  • Whatsapp +40 725 897 352
  • Fax: +40 241 631415
  • Mail:
  • Web:

The Centre puts at trainees’ disposal the following DP training facilities:

DP Training Room, dedicated to the theoretical and practical sessions of the DP Basic Course and to the theoretical sessions of the DP Advanced Course, equipped with 8 individual stations, 50” screen TV, whiteboard, instructor’s post, air conditioner with de-humidifier and bookshelves and coffee station.

The instructor station includes a setup comprising of dual instructor screens and a large screen for visual „drone-view” function. The communication to the bridge is controlled using a screen-based interface. The instructor can control several bridges in a joint operation scenario or as separate bridge modes, where each bridge executes it’s own exercise. A DP OS-3 station is included for monitoring student’s interaction with DP equipment.

DP Simulator Bridge is equipped with a K-Sim® Offshore, designed for the advanced and integrated ships bridge simulation training. It is based on a cutting-edge technology platform enabling realistic training scenarios and enhanced user benefits for both instructors and students. An advanced new physical engine and state-of-the-art hydrodynamic modelling allow vessels, objects and equipment to behave and interact as in real life. Vessels and objects including various geographical training areas and all possible weather conditions are brought to life with a sophisticated new visual system.

We invite candidates for the following courses:


Course Name


 Hours / Days

Fee (ron)


Dynamic Positioning INDUCTION





Dynamic Positioning SIMULATOR





Dynamic Positioning SEA TIME REDUCTION





Nautical Institute Dynamic Positioning Revalidation course

DP Revalidation




Nautical Institute Dynamic Positioning Refresher and Competency Assessment course

DP Refresher and Competency Assessment




TestReach – Dynamic Positioning Revalidation course, online exam

TestReach – DP Revalidation course, online exam




Nautical Institute Key Technical DP Personnel Training – Dynamic Positioning Vessel Maintainers ‘ Part One Theory

DP Vessel Maintainers




Dynamic Positioning SIMULATOR + Dynamic Positioning SEA TIME REDUCTION





Dynamic Positioning: Understanding of system Operation and Maintanance

DP – Understanding of S.O.M.




2. Overview of the nautical institute dynamic positioning operator training
scheme (NI Approved January, 2023)

The route that must be followed in order to obtain a DP Operator certificate:


NOTE: The above scheme does not refer to the DP Maintenance and Engineering course!


The minimum maritime qualifications to begin DPO training are listed below:

Candidates must hold one of the following Certificates of Competency or be in training towards the issuance of an acceptable COC as explained below.

Following the Manila STCW Amendments of 2010, the Nautical Institute revised the training requirements which became effective January, 2023. Due to this requirement, one of the following certificates of competency or proof that you are in the process of obtaining an STCW qualification must be presented to STCC to register for the DP
Induction Course. This can be uploaded to your student portal in the My Documents section or presented at the time of check in for the course in the student services office.
When registering for the DP Simulator Course you will need to present your nautical institute logbook with 60 days DP sea service.

STCW QUALIFICATIONS: Certificates of Competency (Issued by any IMO Maritime

  • II/1 Deck Officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 GRT or more.
  • II/2 Deck Master and Chief Mate on ships of 500 GRT or more.
  • II/3 Deck Officers in charge of a navigational watch and of masters on ships of less than 500 GRT.
  • III/1 Engine Officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine room.
  • III/2 Engine Chief Engineer Officers and 2nd Engineer Officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000kw propulsion power or more.
  • III/3 Engine Chief Engineer Officers and 2nd Engineer Officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750kw and 3,000 kw propulsion.
  • III/6 Electro Technical Officer

Alternative qualifications will be considered on a case by case basis by the Nautical Institute. Examples are: Marine Vocational Qualifications which are non STCW COC’s issued by white list countries for use in the administration’s local waters only.

Prospective DPO’s who are in the process of training for one of the STCW Certificates of Competency listed above should contact the student services office or the Nautical Institute for further clarification prior to enrollment.

Once the 60 days of familiarization and the induction training are accomplished and the STCW COC has been obtained, the seafarer can move on to the DP Simulator / Advanced Simulation Course.

3. DP Courses curricula and objectives

There are six shore-based courses:

1. The Induction – Basic course

2. The Simulator – Advanced course

3. DP Sea Time Reduction Course

4. DP Revalidation Course/ DP Refresher and Competency Assessment course

6. DP Vessel Maintainer

4. Compulsory documents required from DP trainees

CERONAV requests DP candidates to send in advance scanned copies of the following personal valid documents:

  1. Certificate of Competency
  2. Seaman Book
  3. Passport
  4. National ID
  5. 2 x recent pictures, 3/4 size

Candidates are advised that original documents will be checked by CERONAV at the start of the courses, as well as during the final evaluations, and copies of photographic ID records are to be kept by CERONAV at least 3 years. In order to avoid frauds, CERONAV invites DP candidates to grant proper attention to the validity and conformity of personal documents involved in DP Training Scheme.

5. Geographical location – How to reach CERONAV

The DP Training Centre is located in Ceronav Old Building, in the city of Constanța.

The positioning of the Centre offers the opportunity to choose accommodation from a wide range, easily accessible.

The closest airport is “Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport – Constanta” at about 25 Km from CERONAV center and “Henri Coanda Airport – Otopeni” is at 240Km from CERONAV Center.

When using a car, you can reach CERONAV driving to Constanta, 101 Baba Novac Str.

Position: N 44.1850852663391, E 28.619813944341384

Please see the GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION (above)

6. Accommodation near the center

There are various Hotels in the area from 3 stars to 5 stars, prices vary depending on the season.

7. Payment of the course fee. Policy of fee return in case of cancellation/postponement of a DP course

The payment of the course fee practiced on the date of registration is made within two working days, in the amount of 50% or 100%. In case of the payment of 50% of the fee, the difference between the fee practiced at the beginning of the course and the initial advance will be paid until the end of the course. In case of the payment of 100% of the fee, the student no longer has any financial obligation to the institution. The client receives a receipt in which the following will be specified: the name of the course, the series at which it was scheduled and the date of its commencement. The receipt is signed and stamped by the cashier operator. The acceptance of the receipt by the client represents the moment of concluding the contract between him and CERONAV. If the client does not pay the fee within 48 hours from the registration, he will be removed from the database, without any liability from CERONAV whatsoever.Student registration can also be done online, by email or whattapp.

According to the instructions on the site, after registration, within 48 hours, the client has the obligation to make the full or half payment of the value of the courses through the payment application, and will pay the second half, if applicable, until the end of the course, at the rate approved on the date of its commencement.

In case the client gives up the course he signed up for, the participation fee is reimbursed if the Request for Refund (Annex P.O. 06, F 043) is made before the start of the course, and in special situations, with the approval of the Economic Director, based on supporting documents proving the impossibility of participating at the programme, even after the start/ end of the course.
If for any reason, Ceronav cancels any DP course, the participation fee is reimbursed against the Request for Refund (Annex P.O. 06, F 043).

Thank you for choosing us!

8. Registration

Registering can be done at the Ceronav Training Centre Site or by e-mail at

Please do not hesitate to address any queries using below contacts:


Telefon: +40725897352

Whatsapp: +40725897352

When candidates are applying for enrollment, their personal data, Certificate of Competency STCW and other documents proving the fulfillment of the conditions for participation at the respective course, in accordance with NI, will be requested. The documents will be then physically checked by the DP Centre Secretary.