Completed Projects

COMPETING – Competence Based Education and Training for Inland Navigation – 601165–EPP-1-2018-1-NL-EPPKA2-SSA

Programme: Erasmus +, Sector Skills Alliances

Lead Partner: STC Group – Netherlands

Partnership: 15 organisations from 8 countries (Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia and Romania)

Period: 36 months (January 2019 – December 2021) + 3 months extension until March 2022

Total budget: 938.570 euro

CERONAV budget:  42.902 euro

COMPETING (Competence Based Education and Training for Inland Navigation) is a three-year Sector Skills Alliance project under the Erasmus+ Programme. Within COMPETING fifteen partners from eight different EU member states will develop curricula and lesson materials, as well as a Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) system, to ensure the highest level of quality concerning the implementation of future-proof IWT education and training throughout the EU.

For the first time all key stakeholders cooperate on European level to develop a European wide recognised and modern curriculum for IWT. We work together with IWT education and training institutes, social partners representing the industry and competent authorities and umbrella organisations.

The developments in this project will in the end result in the implementation of EU legislation, resulting in a comparable system for recognition of educational programmes and properly qualified crew with the possession of a Union certificate.

COMPETING will pave the way for the introduction of competency based future-proof education and training for inland navigation crew members throughout the European Union. Future certificates will be recognised throughout Europe. Sustainable solutions, automation and digitalisation as well as communication on a European level will be part of the education and training programmes. The ultimate goal of the project is to increase labour mobility in the inland shipping sector.

COMPETING consortium consists of different categories of stakeholders. Firstly IWT education and training institutes, which have to modify their lesson programmes towards a European wide competency-based recognised education and training programme. Secondly the Social partners (employers and unions) representing the industry and crew members working in the industry and finally the competent authorities and umbrella organisations as well as members of the Advisory Board.

GRENDEL – Green and Efficient Danube Fleet

 Programme: Danube Transnational Programme

Priority Axis 3: Better connected and energy responsible Danube region

Specific Objective 3.1: Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Lead Partner: Pro Danube International, Austria

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 13 partners from 8 countries and another 13 associated partners (Austria, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovakia)

Period: 30 months (June 2018 – November 2020)

Total budget: EUR 1.824.999.20 (85% ERDF/IPA contribution, 13% automatic public contribution and 2% partners own contribution)

CERONAV budget: EUR 83.400

The long service life of inland vessels, high investment costs, low re-investment capacity of the Danube fleet operators together with knowledge deficits about green technologies as well as the lack of public actions and incentives impose severe barriers for the adaption of the Danube Inland Waterway Transport/ IWT fleet to forthcoming European IWT and environmental policy objectives.

GRENDEL project provided support to the Danube fleet operators and their public counterparts in the process of ecological and economic modernisation of the sector and the definition and deployment of necessary transition measures. The dedicated activities have raised awareness among operators and the Danube fleet sector about the impact of new regulations, advanced technologies that reduce air pollutants and energy consumption of inland vessels, and improved transport management and logistics processes that use digitisation.

Both the general objective and the specific objectives were reached through: intense transnational collaboration between private and public stakeholders in know-how transfer activities for the strategy and actions of modernisation of the Danube fleet; the development of innovative concepts of technical vessels and improved processes for the management of transport and logistics of fleet operators and their dissemination as good practices, to strengthen the competitive position of inland navigation; development of the Model State aid scheme and innovative financial instruments as a guide for Danube riparian countries to develop national state aid schemes for fleet modernisation according to individual specific needs, requirements and administrative conditions (taking into account priorities for green technologies and potential investment volumes).

A comprehensive overview of human resources competencies in the IWT sector was also developed, training/education requirements and their adaptation to new technologies in the field. The fleet modernisation aspects addressed by GRENDEL were: the use of low-carbon and alternative fuels, the reduction of emissions of air pollutants (CO2, NOx, Particulate Matter), total energy consumption and transport and logistics management processes to ensure better integration of the Danube IWT into supply chains through new services (including river information services – RIS), the provision of digital data, as well as dedicated tools to improve the efficiency of fleet operations.

The project officially ended on the 30th of November 2020.

Innovative SKILLSEfficient and sustainable Danube navigation based on forward looking competencies

Innovative Skills

Programme: Danube Transnational Programme – Seed Money Facility

Priority Axis 4: Well-governed Danube region

Specific Objective 4.2: Support to the governance and implementation of the EUSDR

Role of CERONAV: Lead Partner

Partnership: FPZ – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Croatia

Period: 12 months (September 2018 – August 2019)

Total budget: 50.000 EUR (85% ERDF contribution, 13% automatic public contribution and  2% public own contribution)

CERONAV budget: 29.500 EUR

The consortium consisted of 2 EU funded partners, The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences of University of Zagreb and Romanian Maritime Training Centre – CERONAV. The project attempted to solve the shortage of qualified personnel by aligning skills and competences with current and future labour market requirements and promote entrepreneurship for Danube navigation businesses among youth and adults.

Activities performed by the project partners during implementation resulted in three outputs as planned in the Application Form. Besides project management activities and certain communication activities meant to disseminate project objectives and results, the work was focussed on reaching the final versions of the output documents.

The first one, Report on the state of play of supply and demand side of forward-looking innovative competences in Inland Waterway Transport sector provides an overview of the field. The existing education & training providers and programmes for IWT personnel in Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Croatia, the projects and trends in harmonisation of EU education & training in the sector on one side and the EU policies and stakeholders’ opinion regarding adoption of those requirements on the other side were compared in a gap analysis.

The main objective of subsequently developed project proposal is to contribute to increased competitiveness of Danube inland navigation by development of innovative skills, enhanced capacity and transnational cooperation of public authorities and increased employability and entrepreneurial spirit of the workforce in the sector. A partnership was selected, all activities and outputs were described and a detailed project budget was constructed. Joint development, implementation, staffing and financing were considered while preparing the proposal.

Funding possibilities for the main project were analysed in order to select the most appropriate ones considering the partnership and the topic of the project proposal. Steps to be followed for a successful application form were decided upon as the need for projects with such topics was a common point of view of involved stakeholders, including EUSDR PA 1a Working Group for Education & Jobs.

The main outcomes of the SMF project are a high-quality application form and the preparedness of project partners in terms of its submission and future implementation of the project.

Danube SKILLS – Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services

Programme: Danube Transnational Programme

Priority Axis 4: Well-governed Danube region

Specific Objective 4.1: Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges

Role of CERONAV: Lead Partner

Partnership: 22 organisations – 15 partners from Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Romania and 7 associated partners – Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR), Danube Commission (DC), International Sava River  Basin Commission, Ministry of Transport of the Czeh Republic, European Transport Workers’ Federation, EDINNA Association, Association for European Inland Navigation and Waterways from Germany.

Period: 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019)

Total budget: 2.023.100 EUR

CERONAV budget: 467.000 EUR

Danube SKILLS consortium consists of a well-balanced composition of 15 organisations which cover 8 Danube countries: Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany and Serbia and 7 associated partners.

Main objectives:

  • Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services
  • Make public institutions in charge with nautical training and certification fit to implement common European standards;
  • Make public institutions responsible for Danube navigation development fit to provide services to actively trigger raise of modal share of Green Danube transport and to act as 1-stop-shops for Danube logistics;
  • Set-up of institutional (= sector-wide) Capacity Building cooperation for improving legal and policy frameworks on nautical qualifications and Danube transport promotion.

Acting as a policy driver for the integration of Danube region into the overall European inland navigation legal framework, Danube SKILLS ensures the multilevel, efficient and transparent governance of the nautical education and Danube logistics, respectively and warrants the increased capacity building of the region by delivery and validation of a set of transnational management structures, processes and cooperation patterns.

The project officially ended on June 30th, 2019.

GREEN DANUBE – Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally-friendly IWT system in the Danube region

Project summary after completion –

Programme: Danube Transnational Programme

Priority Axis 3: Better connected and energy responsible Danube region

Specific Objective 3.1: Support environmentally–friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Role of CERONAV: Lead Partner

Partnership: 10 partners from 7 countries (Romania, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria) and 6 associated partners (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia)

Period: 30 months (January 2017 – June 2019)

Total budget: 1.586.244 EUR

CERONAV budget: 457.244 EUR

Transport sector is recognized as a major contributor to air polluting emissions therefore, supporting environmental friendly transport modes like Inland Waterway Transport is a priority in the Danube region. However, even IWT emissions have to be kept to a minimum and efforts are made in this direction. In addition, the huge discrepancy between IWT on the Rhine and on the Danube requires a common transnational approach and a better exploited Danube potential by enhanced multimodality and modernisation of the fleet.

GREEN DANUBE project targeted both institutional and individual capacity building by active involvement in pollutant emission reduction along the Danube.

The objectives were reached through: performance of emission measurements, cooperation in the Danube sector that was improved by assessing existing green technologies and best practices, by creating a database to include all these and consequently by providing a strategy to green the Danube transport and a Policy Agenda in support of EU legislation. In addition, three fixed Environmental Information Centres (EICs) were developed in as many countries and a mobile one covered the other four countries in the partnership in a campaign meant to raise public awareness on the issue. A strategy for transnational cooperation between EICs, international organizations and associations and to contribute to a sustainable inland water transport was also delivered.

Individual capacity was built through the learning interactions organised throughout the project lifetime, from one-to-one meetings to national workshops, pilot actions and international events that created long-lasting cooperation patterns. Hundreds of people in tens of organisations were directly involved in the activities and outcomes of this project: project partners, associated strategic partners, stakeholders and participants to events, besides national and international interested parties that were regularly briefed on the progress of the project.

The project officially ended on June 30th, 2019.

IWTCOMP – Competency Based Inland Waterway Transport Education & Training

Programme: Erasmus+

Action Key KA2: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices

Action: Strategic partnerships

Lead Partner: STC-Group, The Netherlands

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 6 partners from 4 countries (The Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Germany)

Period: 30 months (September 2016 – February 2019)

CERONAV budget: 15.381 EUR – ERDF contribution plus 3.845 EUR – own contribution

The consortium consists of 6 EU funded project partners from 4 countries (CERONAV and  University of Craiova (IMST) – Romania; Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline – Slovakia; Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN – Germany; Stichting Dunamare Onderwijsgroep and  Maritieme Academie Harlingen – The Netherlands), all members of EDINNA – the Network for Education in Inland Navigation, the network of all existing inland navigation education and training institutes in the EU.

The project focusses on the implementation of competency based education and training for the inland waterway transport sector, following the new legislation concerning professional qualifications in inland navigation.

The project officially ended in February 2019.

HINT – Harmonized Education through Education and Information Technology (follow-up of NELI Project)

Programme: South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE)

Priority Axis 3: Improvement of the accessibility

Area of intervention 2: Develop strategies to tackle the “digital divide”

Role of CERONAV: Lead Partner

Partnership: 18 organisations from 8 countries (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine)

Period: 25 months (December 2012 – December 2014)

Total budget: 1.535.688,36 EUR

CERONAV budget: 411.374 EUR

The consortium consisted of 18 institutions from 8 countries (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine).

The two-year EU co-funded project HINT – Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology came as a response to the specific inland waterway transport issues highlighted by the Danube Commission and emphasized in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region or Europe 2020 in terms of mobility of workforce and shortage of adequate personnel in the sector.

It implemented the measures identified in the Transnational Action Plan drawn up within the previous project NELI ( ) such as the need for harmonized education and training standards, practical training possibilities, e-learning platforms and digital tools, use of Information and Training Centres to better promote the inland navigation sector and offered greater visibility to career opportunities, development of teaching materials and teachers, students exchanges and cooperation actions.

As a follow-up of NELI project, HINT’s main aim was to foster and enlarge transnational cooperation among stakeholders in the field of inland waterway transport, including education and training institutions, administrations and transport organizations in the South East Europe region.

To this end, HINT aimed at setting up an online consultation platform named Danube Knowledge Network, aimed at bringing together education providers, administrations, industry and business partners for an immediate exchange of knowledge and experience.

TTIET – Train the Trainer course material for Inland Navigation Education and Training

Programme: Leonardo da Vinci, Innovation Transfer

Lead partner: Stichting STC-Group, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 7 organisations from 4 countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Romania)

Period: 30 months (October 2013 – March 2016)

Total budget: 279.417 EUR

CERONAV Budget: 23.745 EUR

The Consortium consists of 7 organisations from 4 countries (The Netherlands, Romania, Belgium and Germany). The project aimed to develop a course on the use of simulators for training and evaluation of inland waterway personnel.

The project was successfully completed on March 31st, 2016.

PLATINA IIPlatform for the Implementation of NAIADES

(follow-up of PLATINA Project)

Programme: 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Call FP7 Transport 2012-MOVE-1

Lead Partner: via donau, Austria

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 12 organisations from 7 countries (Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Croatia and Romania)

Period: 35 months (April 2013 – February 2016)

Total budget: 1.999.995 EUR

CERONAV budget: 51.935 EUR

The consortium consists of 12 partners from 7 different EU countries and funded by the European Commission (DG MOVE).

PLATINA II contributed to improving the qualifications of inland navigation workforce by elaborating standards for tools and by developing teaching aids.

The main objective of the project was to support the European Commission, EU Member States and neighbouring countries in the implementation of the NAIADES II action program.

Under the title “jobs and skills” technical standards for the use of ship-handling simulators were created, a concept for electronic service record books was prepared and the impact of inland waterway transport in logistics education and training increased by improved learning material. This action field focussed on:

  • Elaboration of technical standards for simulator use;
  • Definition of a concept for electronic Service Record Books;
  • Developing and distributing teaching aids for future logistis decision makers.

CERONAV was involved in the „Jobs and skills” work package dedicated to harmonizing education standards in the field of inland waterway transport and logistics.

LNG Masterplan Rhine-Main-Danube

 Programme: TEN-T (Trans European Transport Network)

Lead Partner: Pro Danube Management GmbH, Austria

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 33 organisations from 12 European countries (Austria, The Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Slovakia,  Italy,  Cyprus),   including 5 partners from Romania

Period: 36 months (January 2013 – December 2015)

Total budget: 80.520.000 EUR

CERONAV budget: 190.400 EUR

Due to its numerous benefits, LNG became a very attractive energy source for the European inland navigation sector. The full exploitation of LNG requires the development of a complete and favourable regulatory framework and a critical mass of investment in terminal infrastructure and LNG fuelled or LNG carrying inland vessels. In order to facilitate this development, Pro Danube Management and Port of Rotterdam initiated the LNG Masterplan, a project that addresses Priority Project Number 18 “Waterway axis Rhine/Meuse/Danube” of the TEN-T network.

With 33 beneficiaries and more than 50 companies and organisations associated, the LNG Masterplan provided a powerful project platform facilitating parallel development of the necessary regulatory framework for LNG as vessel fuel and cargo and delivering initial deployment in terminal and vessel infrastructure.

Thus, the LNG Masterplan aimed to create a platform for the cooperation of authorities and industry stakeholders with the purpose to facilitate the creation of a harmonized European regulatory framework for LNG as fuel and cargo in inland navigation and to promote the introduction of LNG as a fuel and cargo for inland shipping.

It delivered technical concepts for new and retrofitted vessels being propelled by LNG and transporting LNG as well as a significant number of pilot deployments of vessels and terminals. It also developed a comprehensive strategy together with a detailed roadmap for the implementation of LNG in line with the EU transport/energy/environmental policy goals and actions.

The LNG Masterplan not only considered inland navigation to be a pioneer market for LNG as transport fuel but also an enabler to bring LNG cost-effectively from the seaports to the customers (fuel & energy) in major industrial areas along the inland waterways. This facilitated a wide-scale development of LNG as fuel and as energy source. LNG is considered to be an important opportunity for the inland waterway transport sector, but it certainly will not be a remedy for all the structural and economic problems in IWT.

All the work was based on a realistic and integrated European approach. One of the visions of the LNG Masterplan was that the inland ports on the Rhine-Main-Danube axis will become key distribution centres for LNG. Inland terminals will function as satellites to the hinterland, enabling LNG to reach other pioneer markets like the public (transport) sector and the heavy duty transport industry (buses, garbage collection trucks, city logistics) and the energy industry.

The LNG Masterplan aimed to:

  • Identify and quantify pioneer markets and customers in the inland ports hinterland;
  • Analyse costs and savings/benefits of LNG use;
  • Transfer know-how from maritime into inland navigation sector and raise awareness;
  • Facilitate the creation of a harmonised European regulatory framework considering; LNG as fuel and as cargo for inland navigation;
  • Deliver technical concepts for new and retrofitted vessels;
  • Elaborate supply chains to reach end-consumer;
  • Execute pilot deployments of vessels and terminals;
  • Developa comprehensive strategy with a detailed roadmap for the implementation of LNG in line with the EU policies in transport, energy and environment;
  • Prepare wide-scale deployment with the help of CEF & other EU programs.

The Final Conference held in Rotterdam on 15 – 16 December 2015 marked the end of the project and the successful implementation of its activities.

NELI – Cooperation network for logistics and nautical education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube corridor supported by innovative solutions

Programme: South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE)

Priority Axis 3 – Improvement of the accessibility

Area of intervention 2: Develop strategies to tackle the “digital divide”

Role of CERONAV: Lead Partner

Partnership: 15 organisations from 8 countries (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine)

Period: 36 months (April 2009 – March 2012)

Total budget: 2.167.820 EUR

CERONAV budget: 658.213 EUR

The project established a cooperation network between stakeholders from inland waterway transport (IWT), research / education and administrative sectors along the Danube corridor in order to develop balanced capacities for trans-national cooperation in the field of logistics and nautical education and training including regional policy support actions.

Conducted project activities:

  • Establish a cooperation network among the different organisations active in the inland waterway navigation sector with a view to facilitating the exchange and future cooperation regarding educational and training matters.
  • Design and implement eLearning services for the inland navigation aimed at reducing digital divide among the regions in the South East Europe.
  • Conceive and implement Information and Training Centres (at Galati in Romania and at Ennshafen in Austria).
  • Increase public awareness on the role and importance of new innovative teaching methods in the field of inland navigation in order to promote the specific activities among youngsters.


 Programme: 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development / Coordination and support action

Lead Partner: via donau, Austria

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Partnership: 22 organisations from 9 European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and Finland)

Period: 48 months (June 2008 – May 2012)

Total budget: 8.350.000 EUR

CERONAV budget: 71.454,60 EUR

PLATINA is a platform for the implementation of the EU NAIADES action programme. PLATINA aimed to promote and strengthen an environment-friendly waterway transport in Europe in 5 areas: Markets, Fleet, Jobs & Skills, Image and Infrastructure.

Work Package 1 (Markets) raised awareness of market opportunities in inland waterway transport by identifying best practices, thus contributing to an improved administrative framework and the development of an information portal at European level.

Work Package 2 (Fleet) intended to strengthen coordination on research in this field at national and European level.

Work Package 3 (Jobs and Skills) helped to find a solution to the problem of labor in the inland waterway transport sector at European level by raising awareness, improving employment opportunities and mutual recognition of qualifications.

Work Package 4 (Image) aimed to coordinate the promotion activities of inland waterway transport at European level by expanding the existing network of centers and preparing a common communication strategy.

Work Package 5 (Infrastructure) contributed to the improvement of multimodal network and supported the implementation of the RIS (River Information Services) system in Europe as a starting point for improving the commercial services provided by inland waterway navigation.

EWITA – European Web Platforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway Transport (follow-up of eWIT Project)

Programme: Marco Polo II – Call 2007/ Common Learning Action

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Period: 24 months (June 2008 – May 2010)

EWITA provided up-to-date training concepts and state-of-the-art e-learning web platforms for intermodal Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe. EWITA is a follow-up of eWIT (, whose main results were an European Concept for intermodal IWT training in Europe and INeS, the Inland Navigation eLearning System ( for the Danube region based on the Concept.

Within EWITA, the European Concept of eWIT was substantially updated and extended with respect to learning levels, content, tools and languages. INeS (Inland Navigation eLearning System) was adapted accordingly and renamed into IneS Danube and an additional e-learning platform for the Rhine-Maas-Schelde corridor – IneS RMS – was created.

Both platforms are available in several languages. The EWITA platforms combined European with specific regional or national content. To facilitate update and synchronization, a pan-European content repository was designed, allowing for a smooth administration of common learning objects available for the different topics.

Innovations of EWITA also included the design of learning groups for specific target users of the platforms, additional multimedia elements and modern learning technologies (e.g. animations, interactive elements, streaming video and sound).

One of the main objectives of the EWITA project was the creation of a common European content repository (ECR) for intermodal inland waterway transport (IIWT) education and training.

MARENG PLUSMaritime English Learning Tool

(follow-up of MarEng Project)

Programme: Leonardo da Vinci 2008 /Innovation Transfer

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Period: 24 months (October 2008 – September 2010)

The original web-based maritime English learning tool „MarEng” was finished in the spring 2007 as a result of a transnational Leonardo da Vinci project – MarEng. During the first year of its existence, the learning tool was widely taken into use by different user groups (e.g. maritime students and workers) all over the world. However, based on the feedback received, the tool was missing some relevant content. During the recent years, all over the world there had been a growing interest in issues related to security and the environment as well as maritime industry.

Therefore, the MarEng Plus project was carried out to create new material under the themes of marine environment and maritime security.

The feedback had also revealed that the lower level English learners were in need of an elementary level, as the original MarEng learning tool consists of only intermediate and advanced levels.

Teachers who were using the MarEng tool considered that their teaching process could be made more efficient by creating a teacher’s manual. Therefore, creating of an elementary level and a teacher’s manual were part of the MarEng Plus project.

As the maritime workers in particular are very mobile, it was also appropriate to find solutions to transfer the MarEng learning tool into the mobile learning environment. Therefore, the project also included transfer of the MarEng maritime glossary into a form that can be utilised in a mobile phone, even if the phone is out of satellite connection.

All project activities were performed by a partner group representing several European Union countries, most of the partners being the same as in the previous MarEng project. The partners’ wide background in shipping industry and maritime English teaching gave a strong basis for the project success.

The MarEng Plus project team foresees a strong and wide impact by continuing dissemination of the MarEng learning tool all over the world to all different kinds of users. As a result of the MarEng Plus project, the MarEng learning tool has been transferred to new user groups and geographical areas. The dissemination work still continues by the parner team.

PHARE 2005 – Safety in intermodal transport through continuous professional training

Programme: PHARE 2005

Role of CERONAV: Applicant and main beneficiary

Period: 12 months (3 January 2008 – 31 December 2008)

Partnership: 2 organisations (CERONAV and National Center for the Promotion of Intermodal Transport – CNPTI) – Romania

Main objective: Development and provision of professional specialization courses, taking into account the design and provision of a package of courses in the fields of: transport and handling of dangerous goods by water and land and mooring and distribution of goods in containers for their safe transport.

CAPRICOQuality and productivity through continuous training

Programme: PHARE 2005

Role of CERONAV: Partner

Period: 12 months (3 January 2008 – 31 December 2008)

Partnership: 2 organisations (CN APDM SA Galati and CERONAV) – Romania

Total budget: 85.692 EUR

The first general objective of the project was to support the Romanian Government in implementing a labor force development policy to become more adaptable to structural change, in the context of the skills deficit identified in the labor market, through qualification and training, to better meet the evolving needs of the workforce labor market.

Another general objective was to highlight the importance of developing a policy and culture on lifelong learning – central issue and urgent concern of the Romanian Government which supports actions aimed at adapting initial and continuing education to trends on medium and long term in the professional field, in a society based on knowledge.

PHARE 2002 – Implementation of a training and management system for the inland water transport sector

 Programme: PHARE 2002

Role: Beneficiary

Period: 12 months (December 2005 – November 2006)

The Contracting Authority was the Ministry of Finance and the Implementing Authority was the Ministry of Transport. STC Group from The Netherlands provided the consulting services for this project.

Main objective: Training of CERONAV training staff and purchase of teaching equipment and materials.


 CERONAV, together with two other partners from Italy (Consorzio Formazione Logistica Intermodale – project coordinator and INTEMPO SPA – regional partner) was involved in the european funded project „Il lavoro nel porto sicuro”, a project funded by the European Social Fund and aimed at the following objectives:

  • Knowledge at transnational level of effective ways to facilitate the continuing professional training of human resources working in ports or on board ships, so as to obtain an overview of the situation.
  • Comparison of the national and transnational level in terms of the modalities of continuous professional training of human resources working in ports or on board ships.
  • Establish a transnational network for the continuous exchange of practices and procedures in the field of vocational training and continuous professional training of human resources.
  • Establish the partners’ capacity and experience level in the field of occupational safety of port and maritime workers.